The college is constantly on the path of progress by establishing a botany faculty in 2015. Botany comprises of highly competent members who are continuously working in various academic and co-curriculum activities. The department has the capacity to caster to the needs of 180 students at the UG level. The department currently has a temporary laboratory in which the college is continuously moving to augment the experimental material. The college has enough land in which the department is using it for its activities.
The objective of the department is to develop a solid understanding of botany among the students. So that students will be able to take advantage of the study as well as it is usefulness in private life. Botany is an important subject, providing very good opportunities for learners to study higher studies in botany.
Course – Offers botany at UG level with Zoology and Chemistry combination.
Name – Dr. Jagdish Chandra “Rastogi”
Designation- Assistant Professor
Qualification – M. Sc, Ph. D, B. Ed,
Experience – 1.5 year in higher education and 15 years in secondary education